Quick 1-hour transit declaration service.
A Transit Declaration is a customs document used when your goods are travelling by road and will be transiting EU borders.
If you’re a trader, and your haulier is asking for an LRN, T1 or EX1, they are likely referring to transit procedures.
Kinnes Shipping can onboard known traders in as little as 30 minutes to use our Transit Declaration service – which offers a transit guarantee to cover goods up to the value of £300,000 .
The Local Reference Number can be issued direct to your haulier by SMS.
A missing T1 is a common cause of delay at Dover Port as you can not leave the country (by road) without a Delta Reference or T1.
For existing customs, we issue T1's within 1-hour. For new customers, the first T1 can be issued within 2 hours
Get your Export Declaration and T1 at the same time to save time and money.
Onboarding is quick and easy. We'll gather some information about your business to get you set-up.
E-mail the commercial invoice, packing list and preferred office of exit (EU customs office)
We will issue your LRN to you and, if available, directly to your haulier by SMS.
Your haulier must take the LRN to a customs office of choice to activate it - they will then receive T1 document
Use our calculator to better understand how much duty and vat you can expect to pay
A Local Reference Number is a number that identifies the customs agent Transit Declaration in the HMRC system (NCTS). It should be provided to your haulier.
The haulier will then take this number to a UK Customs Office where it will be exchanged for a T1 document.
Kinnes Shipping offers an expediated onboarding and issuing service for T1 documents saving you time and, preventing delays. Other customs agents can take up to 3 working days to onboard new clients onto their T1 service and then a further 1 working day to issue the T1. We felt this was a little too long, which is why we created our own T1 service.
A T1 is a guarantee on the duty and vat. Effectively it states that you will clear the goods at their destination, pay the duty and vat or else, a fine will be issued for the amount liable through the T1.
The individual or company (our customer) who requested the T1 is responsible for all costs associated with it. This includes fines and other financial penalties.
30 days maximum. We prefer T1’s to be discharged as soon as it is possible to do so and, without delay. You will incur penalties and fines if the T1 has not been discharged within 30 days.
If the final destination for the goods is France, typically you do not need a T1 as the goods are not transiting. You would be cheaper asking your buyer to prepare an import declaration ahead of time and requesting the “Delta Reference” from said declaration.
However, if you are looking for a T1 for goods going to France, and you can explain how you plan to customs clear the goods and discharge the T1. We can issue a Transit Declaration
If you need a reliable partner for import clearance or export clearance – reach out to discuss our fast and reliable UK customs clearance service.
Ship, freight and customs agent headquartered in Dundee. Working throughout Scotland with offices in Grangemouth, Dundee, Montrose and Perth
Stannergate Road
+44 (0) 1382 462 858