The hardest part of planning your import is not being able to accurately price up the cost of moving the goods from A to B. If you miscalculate, you could be at a loss or, need to increase your prices to manage the unexpected hit. A freight forwarder can certainly help in this aspect however, perhaps you’re just considering an import and not ready to move the goods yet.
That’s why we’ve created this import duty and vat calculator. The calculator will use up to date information from HMRC, coupled with our knowledge to give you an idea of your duty and vat liability.
If you need a better understanding of import costs or would like to appoint Kinnes Shipping as your customs agent, get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help.
Import controls that may apply:
Just be a wee second
Negotiating the release of data...
To use this calculator, you’ll need your 10-digit commodity code or the classification description. You can find this by visiting the HMRC Tariff Tool and classifying your goods based on their type, material and composition.
If you haven’t classified your goods or are unsure of the 10 digit commodity code, enter the general term such as “potatoes” and select from the options provided.
The second piece of information you need is the tariff you plan to use. If your goods are covered by a Free Trade Agreement, you can usually obtain 0% Duty.
06/04/2024 - Data fix Fixed exchange rates as HMRC have moved files. Calculator now shows import controls for consideration.
20/01/2023 - Calculator update Fixed commodity code search. You should now be able to search using 4 digit header, 10 digit commodity code or commodity description.
Our duty and tax calculator provides a rough estimation to give you an idea of what you might expect to pay in terms of duty and import vat at the UK border however, it may not calculate everything – in particular, excise and additional vat and duty (such as anti dumping duty etc..)
In addition, we check to make sure quotas are available however the remaining volume may be less than you require. Please double check quotas with HMRC before submitting a customs declaration.
If you require an assessment of import VAT and duty, please get in touch with us using our contact page and we’ll be happy to take a look for you.
If you need a reliable partner for import clearance or export clearance – reach out to discuss our fast and reliable UK customs clearance service.
Ship, freight and customs agent headquartered in Dundee. Working throughout Scotland with offices in Grangemouth, Dundee, Montrose and Perth
Stannergate Road
+44 (0) 1382 462 858